This project for the City of San Mateo as part of the Clean Water Program. The Clean Water Program brings the City’s aging wastewater collection and treatment system into the modern age. This vital infrastructure is nearing the end of its useful life, even though nearly 150,000 people in San Mateo, Crystal Springs County Sanitation District, a portion of unincorporated San Mateo County, and the southern portion of the town of Hillsborough rely on it.
The DAPS project is a complete refurbishment of the existing pump station; including new concrete baffle walls in the wet wells, replacement of flow pumps and 36’’ steel piping, replacement of electrical equipment, including transformer, motor control centers and programmable logic controllers, replacement of diesel back-up generator, replacement of 400 LF of 36’’ force main and surge tanks, CIPP lining of 2,500 LF of existing RCP force main, replacement of elevator and other miscellaneous facility improvements. The pump station serves 90% of the City of San Mateo and must function at all times during construction. This required close coordination with the pump station operations team to complete the work in multiple shutdowns without functional disruption.