Presidio Quartermaster Reach Marsh Restoration

San Francisco, CA

Named for its use by the U.S. Army Quartermaster Corps, which established warehouses and a rail line in the area to support the supply depot at Fort Mason and to facilitate movement between the two posts, Quartermaster Reach was once part of an extensive marsh system.​ Located at the downstream end of the Tennessee Hollow Watershed, the Quartermaster Reach site was substantially altered during more than two hundred years of military use when many changes took place in the watershed – creeks were filled with debris or directed into storm drains and pipes and roads and houses were built over the area.


Anvil Builders was contracted to perform shoring, excavation, and utility work along Mason St and within the future marsh to expand the existing Tennessee Hollow Watershed, an approximately $7.5M scope. Mason St work included sheet pile and bracing installation, dewatering, support of existing utilities, excavation and subgrade preparation, and the installation of multiple wet and dry utilities over the new cast-in-place box culvert connecting the existing watershed to the new marsh. Within the marsh, Anvil Builders installed a groundwater dewatering system, a clear water bypass system for the existing 72” storm drain, excavated and off-hauled over 35,000 CY of soil, performed fine grading of the final marsh contours, abandoned the existing 72” storm drain under Hwy 101 and Mason St, and installed new outfalls for the remaining storm drains. All work was completed on schedule and with no recordable incidents, with Mason St open to the public as of August 2020 and final site finishes and planting within the marsh scheduled for completion by the end of 2020.

Dale Avenue Pump Station – Collection System Improvements

San Francisco International Fuel Farm