This project consisted of constructing a new sheet pile bulkhead wall along the eastern bulkhead of the access channel to the Tahoe Keys Marina. Anvil Builders installed approximately 575 feet of new, coated, sheet pile in front of the existing, deteriorated sheet pile wall. Additional scopes of work included the installation of 63 helical anchors, 550 feet of double C Channel waler system, 63 weep holes, 575 feet of sheet pile cap, drainage improvements, partial demolition of the existing sheet pile wall, grading, and surface restoration. Anvil Builders self-performed all of the work with the exception of the waler installation. The majority of the work was performed by land, with minor work being performed on a floating work platform. Anvil Builders successfully completed this project on-time during one TRPA Grading season, overcoming obstacles such as long lead times, and the Caldor Fire which shut down work for three weeks.